Antique Slot Machine Info
If you're looking for antique slot machine information including web sites
where you can purchase your own, the links below should be very useful. Please
note, I have no personal or business affiliation with any of the links below,
I found them by surfing the web and searching the engines and I'm simply putting
them there with a short description to help you in your search.
Obviously based in San Diego, they offer a wide range of antique slots including
the Mills, Jennings, Bally, Buckley, Stands and Pace brands. Prices they say
range from $200 to $1,500 and you can contact them by phone, fax or mail to
actually make a purchase.
Lakeside Distributors dosent offer actual antiques. Instead they claim to offer
the finest antique reproduction Mills Slot Machines available anywhere. These
are new, exact replicas of the Classic Mills slot machines, made using original
castings and manufactured to original specifications. They're based in Louisiana
but you can order online directly from their web site.